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Walking Deadcoin Rating

Walking deadcoins eventually become deadcoins

Cryptocurrency projects are categorized into three types based on their vitality: healthy ones, deadcoins, and walking deadcoins, stuck between life and death..

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Bridge a Major Gap in the Crypto Industry

We analyzed deadcoins and found that they all exhibited similar signals before becoming deadcoins. Based on these objective criteria, we developed a scale and analyzed seemingly healthy crypto assets. We identified those at risk of becoming deadcoins as walking deadcoins and listed some of them below.

1 / Structural Issues

  • User Adoption
  • Competitive Landscape
  • Website-Related Issues

2 / Abandonment

  • Social Media-Related Issues
  • Community-Related Issues
  • Team-Related Issues

3 / Financial Risks

  • Exchange Delistings
  • Liquidity Issues
  • Volatility

4 / Security Risks

  • Network and Smart Contract-Related Issues

5 / Other Risks

  • Legal and Regulatory Issues

6 / Ponzi Risk

Assets with Ponzi risk are not evaluated within this rating framework. They are not even considered walking deadcoins because they are already born dead.

Risk Distribution of Categories

Structural issues, abandonment, and financial risks are the main categories, and each is rated between 0 and 0.30, while their subcategories are rated between 0 and 0.10. Security risks and other risks are rated between 0 and 0.05.

Yellow List

Red List

Black List

Those that were detected as Walking Deadcoin and later turned into Deadcoin

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